
What cookies do we use on the website?

We are the company SafeDX s.r.o., with registered office at K Žižkovu 813/2, Vysočany, 190 00 Prague, IČO: 045 851 19, DIČ: CZ04585119, registered under file number C 249253/MSPH at the Municipal Court in Prague.

You can reach us by e-mail:
And on the phone number: +420 296 238 007

We operate a website at We work with cookies and personal data on this website. You can read more about it on this page.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that our website sends to the browser or your device from which you view our website (i.e. phone, tablet, computer). They enable us to recognize your device and adapt the pages accordingly, analyze visitor behavior, display certain content, etc.

What types of cookies do we use?

  • Technical, functional – these are necessary for the website to display and function as it should. It is also used to store your cookie preferences. So that we know that you have (not) given us consent to the processing of cookies, etc. ‍
  • Analytical – these help us analyze how the website works in terms of visitor behavior and adjust the website accordingly. You can find specific cookies and more information about them directly in cookies table
  • Marketing – they help us target personalized ads.

On what basis do we process cookies?

  • With technical, functional cookies we can work on the basis of legal regulations. Without them, we wouldn't be able to show you the content, and that wouldn't be right!
  • Analytical and marketing cookies however, we can process only with your consent. Of course, it is completely up to you, we will be happy for it, but certainly no one can force you into it.

How can you prevent the use of cookies?

The easiest way to prevent working with cookies is to refuse processing consent. Furthermore, you can adjust the work with cookies through the browser settings or view the website in the so-called anonymous mode. You can find more about individual browsers and deleting/blocking cookies here:

Remember that the settings need to be made for each of your devices (phone, tablet, computer) separately.

Who processes cookies for us?

Provider of Google Analytics, Ads and Doubleclick to Google Ireland Ltd. located at Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland, in accordance with its terms - you can read them here.

More information

If you have given your consent, a so-called third party can also work with your cookies. In that case, we list it in the cookies table.

The work with personal data takes place within the framework of the European Union, and within the framework of Google Analytics, the data may be made available outside the EU (to the USA) based on your consent.

We do not have a designated data protection officer.

When processing personal data, according to the GDPR (Regulation of the EP and EU Council No. 2016/679), you have the right to contact us and ask for information about how we process your personal data; request access to this data from us and have it updated or corrected, or request restriction of processing; in certain cases, you may request a copy of the personal data processed; request erasure or exercise the right to data portability. If you believe that we are not handling data correctly, you can file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection or take legal action.